Subject: Argh! From: (Lord Tattersall) Date: 1990-04-17, 20:08 Newsgroups: (1) WHY? Why did this have to come along just when there's no possible way I can afford the time to watch the show, let alone spend hours afterward dissecting it and hours more through the week reading this newsgroup. (2) WHAT? What was Leo doing slicing up that football just before Shelley got home (and who but David Lynch would include a scene of a psycho slicing up a football with a kitchen knife)? Someone suggested that Leo was trying to hide something in it, but then realized that once a football's been sliced open, it's probably not a very good hiding place. (3) WHO? WHO IS DIANE??? This seems to me to be THE central question of the show. Best idea I've heard so far: Diane is actually the NAME of Cooper's tape recorder. He talks to "her" about his cases. Second-best idea: Diane is a friend (of some sort of Cooper's), but is also the murderer, and was having an affair with Laura, and is the perpetually out-of-town mother of the guy-whose-name-I-don't-remember-at-the-moment- but-who-sure-does-remind-me-of-J.D.-from-_Heathers_ (which is to say, a junior James Deane). --jed (No. I can't afford the time. No way. Uh-uh. Well, okay, I missed the pilot, so maybe I can just watch this one episode...) -- {hartman@{, swarthmr.bitnet}, ...!bpa!swatsun!hartman} Theorem: For large values of 1, 1 approaches 2, for small values of 2. Corollary (Hartman's Lemma): For most positive integer values of 1, 1>=1.