Subject: 3rd episode and Blue Velvet From: Date: 1990-04-20, 11:38 Newsgroups: -Message-Text-Follows- Wow. Lynch just keeps giving us these wonderful thematic connections to worry over. In the beginning of the third episode, the weird brother comes back from Paris (I don't remember if he's Ben or Jerry), and he puts down this package wrapped in plastic wrap, a close-up of which links him to the body and the murder. But THEN, the first thing he says is "This is the best DAMN sandwich I've ever eaten" which immediately makes up think of Cooper and links him to the cops as well! Is it just me, or wasn't the girl in the dream the same person as the new girl at One-eyed Jack's (who also looks a lot like Laura Palmer)? And what the hell was going on with the dialogue in that dream????? Why slow down normal English and then give us subtitles? To whoever said that they saw Blue Velvet and were surprised at the happy ending: I suggest you see it again. The point was to show how phony happy endings are. The robin that they watch in the end of the film is obviously stuffed! And along those same lines, did anyone else feel that several of the establishing shots in last night's episode were intentionally flat and fake-looking? Weird. Note the flickering lights in the dream sequence, recalling the Log Lady flickering the lights at the town meeting, which in turn recalled the flickering fluorescent lights in the morgue. Seems like some kind of consistent evocation of death. What's going on with the music? I love it, but what's going on, y'know? After tonight's episode, I think it's quite possible that Leo is (at least one of) the murderer(s). It would be just like Lynch to shatter convention by making the obvious suspect the killer. On the other hand, we still don't know enough about Killer Bob to know what's up with him. -- Andy