Subject: Re: More speculation From: adamk@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Adam Kao) Date: 1990-04-20, 11:16 Newsgroups: Reply-to: (Adam Kao) Someone else suggested Laura was involved with the prostitution at the One-Eyed Jack. So maybe when she wrote "kitty got a new collar" she was referring to her first day on the job. People Laura probably slept with: Ben and Jerry Horne, Bobby (football player boyfriend), Doc, Leo People Laura may have slept with unwillingly: The satanic murderer People Laura did not sleep with: James Maybe Laura's father had something to do with Laura getting involved in prostitution or satanism or both. Predictions: We will hear more from the Norwegians (too good a plot device to pass up). Agent Cooper will get romantically involved with Audrey Horne or Laura's cousin or both. Hey, if you make enough predictions, something has to come true (cf. Jeanne Dixon). Adam