Subject: The Lamurians (was Re: Hawk & Ronette and ...) From: wwd@cellar.uucp (Bill Donahue) Date: 1990-04-25, 17:10 Newsgroups:,rec.arts.sf-lovers Reply-to: wwd@cellar.UUCP (Bill Donahue) >> >>And just what is the correct line from the dream: >> >> >> >>"One chance _____ between two worlds" >> >> Interesting is this account from the New York Times of April 8th: "But the first Lynch-Frost venture, "The Lamurians," about a squad of detectives who root out an infiltration of alien beings, never saw the light of the screen. NBC [boooo, hissss - wwd] which had hired them to develop the idea, decided not to commission a pilot." So I suggest that there might be elements from this old project in "Twin Peaks"; perhaps instead of infiltration from another place, it is infiltration from another time... I cross-posted to rec.arts.sf-lovers, not merely because it is in my perverse nature to do so, but hoping that someone frequenting a `con' might have come across some further information about this failed project of Lynch and Frost, "The Lamurians". Any drafts, etc. ?