Subject: Madeleine/Laura/Leo ???? From: (Paul Raveling) Date: 1990-05-14, 17:22 Newsgroups: While wandering down a hall here today I stopped to look at someone's railroad map of the U.S. The important part wasn't railroads though -- it's the relative geography of Twin Peaks, Missoula, and Butte. Missoula is basically the 1st town Leo would come to if he drove from Butte toward Twin Peaks. If Leo called from Butte the night Laura (?) was murdered, he could have picked up Madeleine and reached Twin Peaks in time for at least part of that night's events. This may be pure smoke, but it's easy to imagine some odd possibilities, including a Laura/Madeleine swap on the night of the murder and Madeleine being involved with Leo's drug running. Another possibility I wonder about would be something like Leo returning because Ben Horne calls and says "Leo, you gotta help us cover this thing up... Things got out of hand up at the cabin and now Laura's dead..." Leo might even relish letting impression go around that he'd done a killing that he really hadn't. At least that should be good for business. A few clues (maybe the bloody shirt?) might even a deliberate plant. ---------------- Paul Raveling