Subject: Re: Twin Peaks _WILL_ be renewed (but should we be happy?) From: (Robert Steven Glickstein) Date: 1990-05-20, 17:16 Newsgroups: dgross@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Dave Gross) writes: [Yes, but who wrote it first? Attribute, attribute, attribute.] > > TWIN PEAKS HERE TO STAY > > Network execs find coffee-and-donuts crew captures a difficult age group [...] > > "We now know that a mystery format -- if it has personalities that > > are interesting and somewhat quirky -- can succeed in both a children's and > > an adult market," said Mark McPherson, speaking at a news conference for the > > network. God help us. A "formula" maven. Prepare for a slew of Twin Peaks clones. > > Not only are executives confident that they can hold on to the younger > > set, but they feel that they can capture the older viewers who were alienated > > by the bizarre twists and turns of the plot, and by the lack of resolutions > > by show's end. > > > > Bessie Clary, who has been in charge of coordinating the various > > directors of this season's episodes, will be in charge of the new direction > > Twin Peaks will be taking next season. "We envision a more encapsulated > > version of Twin Peaks -- with a single mystery being raised and solved each > > show. Of course the strange elements will still be there: Lucy's remarks > > and Cooper's personality -- but these will take backstage to a more easily > > digestible plot." Christ on a crutch. This is what happened to the James Bond series, when the producers thought they had hit on a "success" formula (women, gadgets, cars, who cares about the story?). We're doomed. We're all DOOMED! A more "encapsulated" Twin Peaks will pretty much render this newsgroup impotent. Of course, this newsgroup has been fifty percent of the joy of watching Twin Peaks. ______________ _____________________________ Bob Glickstein | Internet: Information Technology Center | Bitnet: bobg%andrew@cmuccvma.bitnet Carnegie Mellon University | UUCP: ...!harvard!!bobg Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 | (412) 268-6743 | Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever