Subject: Twin Peaks -- Moon and Renewal Thoughts From: (pa1029) Date: 1990-05-21, 16:12 Newsgroups:, There's been some discussion of the miraculous ability of the moon over Twin Peaks to go from full to half overnight between the last two episodes, and someone reported that it was basically a continuity glitch resulting from the change in directors from show to show. It occurred to me, although I haven't been watching carefully enough to be sure, that they seem to have been pretty sloppy all along. After all, it only takes about a week for the moon to go through one phase, and there's a quite noticeable difference over a two-day span. I seem to recall someone mentioning a full moon showing up in the pilot, which means that by the 5/10 episode it should have been approaching a waning half moon. But basically I think most people don't notice the moon often enough to have a really intuitive grasp of the way it goes through its paces. That is, on any given day, most people have no idea where the moon currently is in its phases, so whatever phase they see that night will be equally unsurprising. For my part I didn't notice the glitch. As for the renewal, I agree with those who feel there's little hope for the series to maintain its quality, especially given that the episodes are supposed to be "more self-contained". But even if they weren't, I wouldn't expect too much. To begin with, there's the fundamental _Murder, She Wrote_ problem -- small towns, or even fairly large towns (you get much larger than 50,000 and people start calling you a small city) don't on a weekly basis have mysterious murders that require the FBI and open up multiple scandals among a cross section of the community. I can believe weekly adventures for small crime units in large cities, I can believe weekly adventures for spacecraft on 5-year missions basically seeking to have weekly adventures, and I can believe weekly humorous incidents happening to well- or poorly-adjusted families. (Well, I may be using "believe" a little loosely here.) But the events in Twin Peaks have the feel of something that would stand out in the local history of a town, not just another week in the lives of a certain group of people. And besides, you just can't expect the creative energy that shows up in TP to be sustainable indefinately. That is why even the best TV series are, in my opinion, pretty bad. They've gotta come out every week, and, considering that, a lot of them are pretty good.