Subject: Re: Peaks article was hoax, sorry :-) From: (Sandra Jessica Smyth) Date: 1990-05-23, 07:44 Newsgroups: In article <26599606.1efd@petunia.CalPoly.EDU> dgross@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Dave Gross) writes: : : : >TWIN PEAKS HERE TO STAY : >Network execs find coffee-and-donuts crew captures a difficult age group : : The above article was a hoax. Forget it. It's not true. Ignore, please... : : But I did manage to cause widespread panic, now, didn't I? : : >Rumors have even been flying that consultants from Caspary & Sklar : >(the company that handled the licensing of "Beetlejuice" models and action : >figures) have been contacted to discuss marketing a line of Peaks-related : >odds and ends. : : You even believed this... Jeez. Imagine little Dale Cooper and Leo Johnson : action figures. Twin Peaks cereal... : Forgeries and hoaxes are fun. However, having our noses rubbed in it is not fun. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-o-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sandra Jessica Smyth Believer in lost causes .. -. . . -.. ... . -..- - --- .-.. .. ...- .