Subject: Alchemy: Leather Into Chain??? From: petersen@netcom.UUCP (Barbara Petersen) Date: 1990-05-24, 00:20 Newsgroups: In the 5/23 episode, Donna and James find Jacoby's coconut/hiding place, and open it to find half of the famous heart pendant. However, the pendant is on a fine gold chain, similar to the one found on Laura's body, rather than on a leather thong, as was the one we saw Jacoby with in an earlier episode (and the one that somebody dug up in the woods).... Is this just a continuity error, or might it actually be signficant? Anyone remember which half of the pendant was on what (chain or thong), and which half was shown in last night's episode? --- Barbara Petersen ..{apple, claris, dlb, tandem, teraida}!netcom!petersen petersen@netcom.uucp "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."