Subject: Re: Cooper is NOT dead! From: (Eugene N. Miya) Date: 1990-05-24, 10:30 Newsgroups: This line WAS effectively out of my .newsrc. My officemate made me subscribe to this group because of last night. {BEGIN critical section} Vests: media will never be the same because of old Dr. Brown in Back to the Future and his vest...... I concluded that Lynch is having Leo do it because of the way Lynch similarly portraried Dennis Hooper in Blue Velvet. Black and white. That doesn't mean other crimes won't be committed. 8) Boy, I'm glad I moved away from LA (Hollywood, Dizzyland). I just wish the local stations would stop showing those stereo ads with the woman who plays Lucy. Well, I think I will swing by Snoqualamine next week and burn the entire town down. Hope you finished off the Director and actors by then. ;) {END critical section} I'm unsubscribing now, you don't have to read me anymore. ;) --e. nobuo miya, NASA Ames Research Center, {uunet,mailrus,other gateways}!ames!eugene