Subject: Re: Twin Peaks - Season Finale - Everybody dies and we all go home. From: (Robert Steven Glickstein) Date: 1990-05-24, 10:00 Newsgroups:, Excerpts from 24-May-90 Re: Twin Peaks - Season Fin.. Geoffrey F. Ng@phoenix.P (424) > > what about harry s truman? he's not as innocent as he looks. Look > > at the way he behaves with jacques (watch the dialogues closely, folks.) Could you please be more specific? I still happen to believe that Truman is as pure as the driven snow. ______________ _____________________________ Bob Glickstein | Internet: Information Technology Center | Bitnet: bobg%andrew@cmuccvma.bitnet Carnegie Mellon University | UUCP: ...!harvard!!bobg Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 | (412) 268-6743 | Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever