Subject: Re: Twin Peaks _WILL_ be renewed (but should we be happy?) From: (Jon Conrad) Date: 1990-05-24, 09:32 Newsgroups: In article Jon.Webb@CS.CMU.EDU writes: .> Excerpts from 20-May-90 Twin Peaks _WILL_ be .> renewe.. Dave Gross@polyslo.CalPo (3017) .> direction Twin Peaks will be taking next season. "We envision a more .> encapsulated version of Twin Peaks -- with a single mystery being raised .> and solved each show. Of course the strange elements will still be .In one magazine article about ``Twin Peaks'', someone asked: ``When does .`Twin Peaks' become `Two Breasts'? That's what usually happens around .here.'' I guess we now have the answer: next season, thanks to Bessie .Clary. I guess you missed the posting late Tuesday by the person who contributed this "press release" about Bessie Clary et al. It was all a hoax, nobody ever said any of this. I took strong exception to this, as it was not identified explicitly as satire, and nothing is too preposterous to be beyond network tv people. There's no reason to think that they have any intention of changing their format in any radical way. Probably they WILL drop the "one episode = one day" format eventually, or at least allow themselves to skip days. Otherwise, as someone else noted, they would cover only 3 weeks in TP in the course of a season. (Actually, this season finale already may be considered to have abandoned that format. Rather than covering Friday, a week after the Friday Laura was killed, it began Thursday evening [that much has been done before] and never got further than 4:something Friday morning.) Jon