Subject: Thoughts on the 5/123 finale From: (Darryl Cate) Date: 1990-05-24, 07:38 Newsgroups: If you haven't seen the 5/23 show then *Spoilers* Well, I'm a little disappointed in last night's finale'. For one thing, I *still* don't know who killed Laura, and putting all the clues together doesn't help at all. - Ben likes his girls with their arms bent back (ref. Audrey, just about to give Dear Dad the surprise of his life) - Leland is capable of murder, efficient murder at that. - Leo is also capable of murder, but doesn't seem to have much reason to kill Laura, unless by accident. - Where do those letters under the fingernails come in ? - Which of the suspects would have kissed Laura after washing his/her hands ? Leland seems the likeliest for this, but it doesn't explain the letters under the nails. - Who disposed of the body ? Why was it done so inefficiently ? I mean, found the next day. We still haven't heard of Bernard's body being found. On some other points, I liked the interaction between Catherine and Pete. That played very real to me. I *didn't* like the way S.A. Cooper bought into Bobby's framing of James. I mean, it seems real suspicious to me, even without the extra information that we have. Maybe he was just using it to scare James into telling all he knows, but I didn't see that indicated. Of course Cooper had on his flak jacket. I also was bothered by the chain on the heart. Maybe Dr. J. changed the leather for a chain, but I don't see a good reason why. I do like the way that the characters have changed. Catherine from scheming bitch to somewhat pathetic victim; Nadine from crazy bitch to object of sympathy; Josie from innocent victim to scheming bitch. Oh well, I had hoped that someone would have figured it all out, and posted something by now. On, to one *long* summer. Darryl "What's up, Doc ?"