Subject: Re: more merchandising on the way From: stephena@microsoft.UUCP (Paddington Bear) Date: 1990-08-08, 10:02 Newsgroups: |In article (A Modem User) writes: |> writes: |>IMPORTANT! INFORMATION NEEDED IN A HURRY! |> |>I'm going up to Seattle on THURSDAY and plan to make a one-day trip to |>Snoqualmie just to get some pictures. I know some of you have been there Take I-90 to North Bend. Go left under the freeway and enter the town. The MAR-T Diner (a/k/a R&R) is on your right as you come into town. They sell TP goodies. (So does nearly everyone else in North Bend....) From North Bend, follow the signs to Snoqualmie Falls. The huge log used in the opening credits is on your left near the railroad tracks. Just about 1/4 mile further are the railroad cars where Cooper and Truman found the half-heart locket and the note. Continue west. You'll see the Salish Lodge which was used for the exteriors of the Great Northern Hotel. Stop and look at Snoqualmie Falls if you've a mind to. Continue west to the town of Fall City. As you enter Fall City, bear left. Directly ahead of you is a restaurant that was used for the exterior of the roadhouse (the interiors were fillmed in Seattle at the Timberline Tavern). Continue on the road towards I-90. In Preston, you'll see a kite shop on the left. That was used for Big Ed's Gas Farm. You won't recognize it. If you have time, turn around and pass through Fall City. At the bridge, bear left towards Carnation. In Carnation, you will pass an elementary school on the north side of town. This is the interior and exterior setting for the Sherrif's Office. That's all........ -- Steve Arrants (And here it is, the enormous night.) Best path: ...uunet!microsof!stephena Blame me, not Microsoft. I work for them, they let me post. Follow your BLISS and doors open where there were no doors before.