Subject: Northern_Exposure/Twin_Peaks/Seattle Query From: Date: 1990-08-10, 12:20 Newsgroups:, Just finished watching the latest _Northern_Exposure_ episode, and I'm liking it more and more. After having missed the first (orignal, first-season first-run) episode of Twin_Peaks, I declined watching anymore until re-run season, lest I miss out on what was going on [coincidentally, I missed episode #1 of Northern_ Exposure -- go figure], so I paid little attention to Twin_Peaks articles, only gleaning little bits and pieces of info here and there. One article in particular I remember was from a poster in Seattle, who was under the impression that he'd stumbled upon the filming of an episode one day. The memory is fuzzy, but I recall it being about shutting down a section of road, doing something weird to it (coloring it?), and his reactions to the crew. They wouldn't confirm to him whether or not they were indeed filming TP, but he left knowing that it was indeed a television episode of SOMETHING they were filming. He never did see any of the TP actors, either. [Red lights flashing -- sirens blasting -- there be SPOILERS ahead, mate!] SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! While watching Northern_Exposure last week, I began to wonder... In last week's episode, "they" laid down astroturf all along a roadbed, in order to play golf. Immediately, that old story came to mind, as I have recently read that BOTH series were filmed in Seattle. If you are the original poster, or if you're a Twin_Peaks viewer, who read that post and then noticed the episode being aired [ONE would confirm my suspicion, the other would deny it], OR if you just have an opinion on what may have happened, I'd like to hear about it. It seems as if this MUST be what happened. In fact, if you feel like sending me mail [Hey, man. Read your post], go ahead, I'm afraid my posts never get out! So, email or post as you see fit. Joshua