Subject: Missing footage in Wild at Heart (minor spoiler) From: Date: 1990-08-19, 11:18 Newsgroups: From: Jorn Barger After seeing WaH yesterday, (brief review: uninspired lynch self-plagiarism, like twin peaks on an off-night) I went home and dug out the January 1990 New York Times Sunday Magazine cover story on Lynch, for I remembered a reference at the end to a particularly shocking scene, which the movie I saw didn't have. To paraphrase: ...more shocking than anything in Blue Velvet is a torture scene involving a carnival game with masturbation, two soda bottles and a gun. Lynch said he himself found the scene so disturbing he half-expected someone to arrest him for filming it... minor spoiler: I can only guess that the torture victim must have been Harry Dean Stanton. any more info, anyone? another spoiler: wasn't the x-rating reduced by cutting a bit from dafoe's final 'accident'? or was it that they steamed up the lens during some sex scenes?