Subject: Re: Lynch's cartoon strip From: g01hc@cunyvm.UUCP Date: 1990-08-27, 01:06 Newsgroups: yes. its called "The Angriest Dog In The World." usually it involved four frames. there is a black dog which looks more like a shark, going "grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." the first three frames are in the day, and the fourth is at nite. the dog is chained up in a yard by a house, and is always tugging at the chain and growling. from the window of the house, a balloon (the owner's voice) says irrelevant things, like "never let a bat pee in your eye," and "the psychological origin of the idea of space, or of the necessity for it, far from being so obvious as it may appear." the front of the strip always has the same introduction: "The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He can just barely growl. ...bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis." weemba.