Subject: Re: Albert, and Nighttime Soaps. From: jsd@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (WHO told you I was paranoid??) Date: 1990-09-03, 11:36 Newsgroups: Reply-to: gaffa!jsd (Jon Drukman) In article <> (Bruce Christian Paul) writes: > >In article <> (Lynn Alyn Tanner) writes: >> >>I could never see the question "Who killed JR?" Coming close to the question, >> >>"Who killed Laura Palmer?" > > > >You are taking TP too seriously. I think Lynch/Frost want us to see > >the correlation between TP and soaps. _Invitation to Love_ is > >inviting us to make the connection, especially with all the > >similarities between the plot of TP and the action in IL. You will notice, of course, that the season _ended_ with a cliffhanger very similar to the one that garnered Dallas an episode with the highest Neilsen market share ever... To wit, not "Who shot J.R.?" but "Who shot Cooper?" An extremely intentional (and brilliant) parody, in my book. Twin Peaks is a soap opera, but an extremely clever and well-made one, that's all. +---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ---------------------+ | | |\ | | ZIK ZAK - We make everything you need, | | \|on |/rukman | -Fight The Power- | and you need everything we make. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+