Subject: Theory about Laura's death From: lindsey@snoopy.Colorado.EDU (LINDSEY MATTHEW ALLEN) Date: 1990-09-04, 23:41 Newsgroups: Reply-to: lindsey@snoopy.Colorado.EDU.Colorado.EDU (ALLEN LINDSEY) After watching the repeats of the first 6 hours of Twin Peaks, I have a theory that may explain many of the clues, and may explain Laura's Murder. Those who want to develop their own theories should skip the following: It is pretty obvious throughout the series that Laura is suffering from a multiple personality disorder. This may have been brought on by an incestuous relationship with her father. At least 3 distinct personalities are present. The good, sweet Laura who seems to help everyone; Laura the prostitute and drug user; and the key to this theory, Laura the psychotic killer personified as Bob. I believe that Laura, having taken on the Bob personality a year ago murdered Theresa Banks, and planned to murder Ronnette on the aniversary of the first murder. However, Laura ended up choosing herself as her next victim, and commited suicide. Her father found her dead and wanted to hide the incestuous relationship that he knew drove her to death, so wrapped her body in plastic to make it look like a murder. The multiple personalities are evident in the pilot if you compare the Laura talking to James when she gave him the heart to the one on Jacoby's tape. Also, James goes into a long spiel to Donna how Laura was a totally different person, and how on the night that she died she was Laura again. In the Dream Sequence, the words to Mikes poem are In the darkness of future paths, the magician longs to see, ONE CHANCE OUT BETWEEN TWO WORLDS, FIRE WALK WITH ME. This could mean that Laura saw the darkness that would be her future life because of her actions and saw the one chance out as her suicide. The bloody note could be a suicide note. Also in the dream, we see Mike realizing his evil, and learn that he cut off his own arm then killed the evil Bob. The dream Laura says that sometime she feels like she knows Laura, but then her arms bend back. Maybe this shows her helplessnes to stop herself from assuming other personalities. Bob crouching at the Bed in the dream and in Mrs. Palmers vision would seem to indicate that Bob was getting ready to attack Laura, or to take her over. Cooper thinks that the correct interpretation to the dream will solve the murder. The Invitation to Love cut aways ,if they are clues, indicate a suicide theme and good and evil played by the same actress. As for Leland, he seems to be acting pretty strangely. Maybe his guilt over his Incest is driving him crazy. Especially if he blames himself for Laura's death. If he knows that Laura killed herself, this would explain the contempt he seems to show to Sara when she tells Hawk about her visions. He thinks that her visions are nonsense.