Subject: Invitation to Love From: (Christopher R. Liro) Date: 1990-09-05, 08:13 Newsgroups: Howdy- Invite to Love seems to parrallel TP, and in IV there was a rather long scene fosusing on the soap. Lucy is watching it in the sherriff's office and when Cooper, Truman, and Andy walk in she gives them a plot summary: "Good Morning Lucy, What's going on?" "Thanks to Jade, Jerrod decided not to kill himself and he's changed his will leaving the Towers to Jade instead of Emerald. But Emerald found out about it and now she's trying to seduce Chet to give her the new will so she can destroy it. Montana's planning to kill Jerrod at midnight so the Towers will belong to Emerald and Montana. But I think she's going to double-cross him and he doesn't know it yet. Poor Chet." Dare I ignore the fact that Jade and Emerald are identical, the rest of this could lend some clue to the scuffle over the mill among Josie, Ben Horne, Hank Jennings?, and Catherine. hmmmm???????