Subject: Re: Lynch on The Tonight Show From: taj@hpcuhc.HP.COM (Tom Jack) Date: 1990-09-05, 11:06 Newsgroups: > >dan@GNU.AI.MIT.EDU / 10:37 pm Sep 4, 1990 / > >Did anyone catch David Lynch on The Tonight Show? ... > >In short, don't bother trying to track down a videotape of the show - > >you didn't miss anything. > >- Dan The interview was about as superficial as MOST T.V. It was clear that Jay Leno didn't prepare for the interview. Jay hadn't seen "Wild at Heart", and he didn't ask any questions about David's other movies or Twin Peaks. The most probing question that Jay asked David was "I hear that you are a creature of habit". David answered that Jay might be referring to his lunch habits - for SEVEN YEARS David had basically the same lunch - A silver goblet milkshake ("about the consistency of butter"), and several cups of coffee. David had this well balanced meal every day at 2:30 at "a really good" restaurant in L.A. - Bob's Big Boy. Tom Jack arpa: uucp: {hplabs,uunet}!hpda!taj ----------