Subject: Jacoby, Laura, Madelyne, J, Birds From: mathews@cs.Buffalo.EDU (Ryan D Mathews) Date: 1990-09-09, 00:09 Newsgroups: Four comments: 1. I don't think Jacoby and Laura were sleeping together. Did Jacoby like/love her? Yes. And Laura was flirting the hell out of him. But I don't think they actually did it, unless it was between the time of the tape Madelyne found and Laura's death. You don't say "I think you like me" to someone you've already slept with. 2. Someone made the comment that Laura and Madelyne were perhaps identical twins, not really cousins. This seems likely from Madelyne's comment, "I felt Laura was in trouble, that's why I came." 3. Has anyone commented on the fact that the piece of poker chip found in Laura's stomach was the "J" from One Eyed Jack's. The letter J is supposed to be important, right? 4. Heavy bird motif in Episodes V and VI. Waldo the Mynah Bird, the imagery with the raven, Cooper saying he doesn't like birds. Hey! A "jay" is a kind of bird! (Boy, I'm tired... :-)) ---------- Ryan Mathews -- Internet : Bitnet : mathews@sunybcs UUCP :{apple,cornell,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,talcott,ucbvax,uunet}!!mathews