Subject: The last scene and other thoughts From: Date: 1990-09-09, 18:39 Newsgroups: Ok --- Try this one on for size: (Big Spoiler Ahead, Perhaps.) The oriental man who is staying in the room next to Cooper's at the Great Northern shot him. Why else would he get so much attention from the camera as Cooper walks down the hall if he isn't significant in some way. Being next door, he would know exactly when Cooper returned, and wouldn't have far to go to make his getaway. Now... the question is -- is he connected or related to Josie? This seems likely to me, not just because he's oriental, but also because Josie seems to have gotten herself in a heap of trouble with a heap of bad people. She's behind it all, in my opinion. (After all, she's the very first person we ever see on the show.) On the topic of Laura/Madeline --- I mentioned earlier that Dr. Hayward would know if they were twins. Perhaps this is why he kept Albert ("Who knows what I would have found if I'd had more time") Rosenfield from doing the forensic tests on "Laura." Hmmmm... HLW ^ (_)