Subject: Re: the retarded murderer From: (Lee Putnam) Date: 1990-09-11, 14:36 Newsgroups: >>Why? This retarded son of Ben was tutored by Laura. When > ^^^^^^^^ >Are you sure he's retarded?.... No, I'm not sure he's retarded. In fact, my brother claims that maybe he's pretending to be retarded. Although he (johnny) might not be able to respond emotionally (if he's autistic), he might still be capable of completing an action that would kill good 'ole Laura. If Johnny did not kill, then what is his significance?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unrelated Sidenote: A used bookstore recently opened in my home town (pop. 20,000) After going there, I told by brother that the woman who ran the store was kinda like the log lady. In the next several weeks, since we didn't know her name, we would say things like "are we going to see the log lady today?" Then one day, my brother was looking over the books in the small store and heard some music emitting from the woman's cassette player near her desk. Although it sounded familiar, the volume was very low and so my brother couldn't identify it. He then asked the log lady what the music was. She replied that it was music from Twin Peaks. (fill in appropriate twilight zone music.) That is why I don't find TP people strange, my hometown is filled with such people...... -------------------------------------------------sorry for the long sidenote -L.p.P>