Subject: Spoilers from TP merchandise From: (Herb Kunze) Date: 1990-09-13, 07:47 Newsgroups: Thought I'd share this with all of you. It's from the September 13th Toronto Star verbatim with my comments in {} brackets: Just got through "The Secret Diary Of Laura Palmer" (Pocket Books, $10.95) which is a very disturbing, even "dirty" book. (Sure I read it. Professional reasons.) "Twin Peaks" detectives will be frustrated because the scribblings of the twisted teenager give few new clues. They provide more of a "backstory," TV talk for the background leading up to the first episode. Laura Palmer was one naughty girl. In an entry dated about a year before her murder, she lists the initials of 40 people she has slept with, including Ronette Pulaski, the girl who has been in a coma since the first episode, and Josie Packard, the owner of the mill. {Netters have postulated the above, but there's a small and interesting surprise coming up. Proceed at your own risk.} ^L {Hope that worked...} BOB, always in capital letters, is top of the list. {Could this be Killer Bob, of Cooper's dream and Mrs. Palmer's vision?} But B.H. is not on it at all. Benjamin Horne, the owner of the Great Northern Hotel and a suspicious creep of ever there was one, might come up clean. A far more intriguing bit of Peaks freaks merchandise is "'Diane...' The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper" (Simon & Schuster, $11.95). It's an audiocassette containing all of Cooper's musings - and it ends the day after the last episode of the first season. (Don't read this next bit if you haven't seen last season's conclusion, okay?) {Don't read this if you don't want to know the outcome of last season's cliffhangers. Spoilers follow...} ^L {Hope that worked too...} Yes, Cooper was wearing a bullet-proof vest. Pete Martell and Shelley Johnson get rescued from the fire-bombed mill, but suffer burns and smoke inhalation. Nadine Hurley and Dr. Jacoby are critical. Catherine and Josie Packard are missing. Bad guy Jacques Renault buys the pig farm. And Leo? Dumdedumdum - alive! Herb...