Subject: Columbo solves murder! (was Re: Emmys: OOOOOH...) From: Date: 1990-09-17, 17:38 Newsgroups: In article <>, (Dan "Parmenator-X" Parmenter) writes: > > In article <36429@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> mathews@sybil.cs.Buffalo.EDU > > (Ryan D Mathews) writes: > > > > As for whether it "belongs" in the same category as TP, well, I > > think that Agent Cooper and Columbo are quite similar. They are both > > enigmatic, both use esoteric methods (Coop's dreams and rocks, Columbo's > > feigned naivete),both make reference to unseen female companions (Diane > > and Mrs. Columbo) and both are played by talented off-beat actors. > > > > Of course, Columbo could crack the Laura Palmer case in about 15 minutes... > > This makes for some interesting supposition. What if Columbo had been assigned to solve the Laure Palmer case? How would he have gone about it, and what would have been the outcome? What are everybody's theories? Frank