Subject: Merchandising From: abbott@mobius.ACA.MCC.COM (Jeff Abbott) Date: 1990-09-17, 12:38 Newsgroups: I would like to start a new thread on this newsgroup: the subject of Twin Peaks merchandising. I'm wondering what other readers think of the assorted TP products that are entering the market. I'm actually bothered by the approach that Lynch or whoever is in charge of licensing is taking. While I have no problems with TP shirts, coffee, mugs, or CDs, I'm bothered by merchandise that "adds" to the TP story material that hasn't been included in the television program. I haven't read "The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer", but it's my understanding that information that could lead to the solution is included, and that this information is NOT included in the episodes. I've also noticed some recent postings on this newsgroup that warn of "spoilers from TP merchandise". Are we to take clues or information from this mer- chandise as "canonical TP"? (As much as you can take anything as canonical in David Lynch's world :-) ). I certainly hope that Lynch or whoever is handling the merchandising doesn't expect the viewing public to rush out and buy any little trinket they come up with, so we can have the most complete information. I don't plan to buy Laura's diary or Cooper's tapes to have the storylines for next year given away or ruined for me. Thus far, David Lynch has taken us on a beautiful, evocative, and terrifying journey through the dark heart of a small town. The fun has been dissecting the episodes for meaning, and conjecturing about what Lynch is saying to us. I would hate to have the series cheapened by shoddy merchandising that spoils the mystery. Comments? Jeff Abbott _______________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I didn't do it and no one saw. . . Only here for the fun of it. . . _______________________________________________________________________