Subject: Re: Sherilyn Fenn From: (John Ryder) Date: 1990-09-17, 06:52 Newsgroups: According to an INC column (translates into trashy gossip column) in last week's Chicago Tribune, Sherilyn Fenn will be featured in the December issue of Playboy. One can probably safely assume she will *not* be the subject of the interview........ P.S. Anybody have any thoughts on the all-too-brief preview we got to see of the season premiere of "Peaks" shown at the conclusion of last Saturday night's episode (on 9/15)? Looks like we've got at least one completely new character being added to the fray. And I think the out-of-focus person walking outside is either gotta be Laura or Killer Bob. At any rate, I can't wait for the new episodes. Two more weeks and counting..... John Ryder