Subject: Re: My obervations on Twin Peaks From: ellene@microsoft.UUCP (Ellen EADES) Date: 1990-09-19, 15:00 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ellene@microsof.uucp (Ellen Eades) In article <1158600048@cdp> forestwatch@cdp.UUCP writes: > >One geographical point here. While we might assume that > >Twin Peaks is located in Washington state--since it is filmed around > >Snoqualmie Falls and N. Bend. ...Eastern Washington is an arid landscape of > >rolling hills. The Idaho panhandle, however, is wet, mountainous, But Snoqualmie Falls, North Bend, and Fall City are all in *Western* Washington, on the west side of the Cascades! Honest. I went hiking up there just a few weekends ago, and I'm positive I would've remembered crossing the Cascades. We did get pretty high up into 'em, but I didn't see the Eastern side :-) Ellen Eades