Subject: Like, whoa! From: bgo@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Byron C. Go) Date: 1990-10-01, 12:49 CC: Newsgroups: *** note: I posted this last night but it seems it still hasn't made its way into the news feed, so I'll try again... *** ---------------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------- [still reeling from the final scene of tonight's episode] Well, I think I won't sleep tonight. And I was *so* looking forward to getting some sleep after being unable to because I was waiting so impatiently for the season premiere... some random thoughts: "Sheriff, get your mind off Shelly. For the moment." A clue, perhaps? Does anyone think Kyle might actually have revealed the killer's identity on SNL this weekend? Damn good TP spoof! (Did anyone manage to tape SNL btw? Channel 4 messed up and lost their network feed for about 10 minutes...) "Harry! It's Agent Rosenflower!" According to Doc Hayward, Cooper is in no condition to be running around and doing detective work. Maybe he winds up getting sidelined and Albert has to take over. I'm sure the local townsfolk would LOVE that... =) He had some great lines in this one but I'm still partial to "Look -- it's trying to think." Donna: what's with the cigarettes and the shades? Kind of lends some validity to the theory about BOB being some kind of sinister presence that possesses people, IMHO. Love the circularity, btw: "When did you start smoking?" "I smoke every once in a while -- helps relieve tension." "When did you get so tense?" "When I started smoking." And then there's her sister, the one that plays piano. And I thought the Haywards were nice normal people... =) The "smiling bag" -- just too weird. One more source of nightmares for me I think. My imagination is too wild for my own good. The giant. Is this some kind of deus ex machina? (Is this how we will learn the killer's identity? I'm still not convinced that BOB is an actual person.) Neat effects though. I'm not complaining. So there really was only one broken-heart necklace? I'm disappointed. Of course, we still don't know for sure. The little gurgling sound every time they showed the hospital food. Nice touch. Very well-executed. =) My head is spinning. I need to go lie down now. Maybe I'll write more after I watch it again. regards, byron (="Diane, I'm trying to speak but am having some trouble because it seems my ring is in my throat..." ---------------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------- p.s. I did have a weird dream. Remind me to tell you about it some time.