Subject: Parallel Worlds From: kkrozser@cdp.UUCP Date: 1990-10-01, 22:13 Newsgroups: JUST SOME MORE HUMBLE THEORIES The main problem with all of the various Who Killed Laura Palmer theories is that they've tended to deal with T.P. as a regular detective/thriller series and have seriously overlooked the supernatural implications that were hinted at throughout the first season. Quite clearly Twin Peaks is about to explode in a fiery ball of weirdness (weirder than it already is). I'm predicting that much of this coming season will boarder on science fiction. Quite simply, there are obviously two Twin Peaks (T.P.-1 & T.P.-2). It's kind of a parallel universe situation. Remember, Mike spoke of "two worlds" in Cooper's first dream. The usual gang lives in T.P.-1, while T.P.-2 is inhabited by a strange group of midgets, giants, serial killers and who knows what else. When Cooper speaks of the dark side of Twin Peaks he is literally referring to another world. With the existence of an alternate Twin Peaks established -- there seems to be some sort of basic good vs. evil conflict going on in T.P.-2. The Giant of course representing the good (the midget I'm not so sure about). BOB of course is the ultimate evil force. Unlike some of the others in T.P.-2, BOB seems to visit Twin Peaks quite regularly (his visits to Laura specifically -- for more info, see the diary). This evil force (what some might call Evil in the Woods, although I don't believe for one second that this evil is limited strictly to the woods) is responsible for some of the darker elements that occasionally rampage through T.P.-1. As for Laura, it is fairly obvious that her behavior during the last few years of her life was controlled by the evil forces of T.P.-2 (probably BOB specifically). Laura's death seems to have been part of some weird occult ritual (I say this primarily because of the evil nature of BOB and the strange neo-pagan looking clump of dirt surrounded by candles which was found in the boxcar where the murder was committed.) The death of Laura was part of some ritual for BOB. Having killed Laura, BOB has moved on in search of another body to inhabit, degrade and ultimately sacrifice. He's found Donna. The most telling proof of this (more telling then her behavior in the jail with James) comes during the dinner scene while her sister is playing piano. Watch this scene over again and notice how Donna's arms are bent back. Just like the midget's cousin said. And finally, as someone mentioned in an earlier post, Leland now looks just like Jim Bakker. And if I'm not mistaken Sarah is beginning to resemble Tammi Faye. I hope most people aren't put off by the sudden infusion of supernatural forces which are about to invade Twin Peaks. As far as I'm concerned it's the best thing that could happen to the show. It's really the only way to keep T.P. from becoming just another nighttime soap. Mr. Lynch wouldn't have it any other way. * Rev. Kirk *