Subject: Re: Season Premiere (spoilers of course) From: dupree@hpclpa.HP.COM (Chuck Dupree) Date: 1990-10-01, 18:30 Newsgroups: A couple of observations about the season premiere: - Someone, I don't remember who, says that the blood on the "Fire, walk with me" paper was type AB negative, and follows by saying that no one we know has that type. But don't we learn two or three episodes ago that Jacques' blood type is AB negative? I haven't checked yet, but it seems to me that the blood on Leo's shirt was the same type... - Coop hasn't forgotten "something", as the giant suggests, but at least three things I can remember: 1) He hasn't checked for the giant's voice on the recorder. This should prove or disprove the reality of the giant, since we know that the recorder's voice-activation switch was on. 2) He hasn't thought about the fact that his ring is missing (the one the giant took). 3) He's neglected to read Audrey's message. - How can the giant say that "three have seen him, but not his body" about BOB? We know that four people have seen BOB: Laura, Coop, Sarah and Ronette. I still think the reference is to BOB, but I haven't reconciled the count yet... - ced