Subject: Re: 20 Questions From: (William Sherman) Date: 1990-10-02, 12:28 Newsgroups:, Reply-to: (William Sherman) In article (David Jason Kyle) writes: > >What about the Log Lady and her gum? What about it? She was chewing it. Actually, it looked big enough to be toffee or something. > >Was it that gum that was supposed to come back in style? Several other posters seem to think so. > >Why was she sitting there? She was having a cup of joe. > >Was she watching Maddie(Laura) and Donna? Certainly. > >What else has her log seen? The other side of the mountain. > >Is her log relieved it was not in the mill fire? I know I would be. > >Is Catherine dead? I don't think so. I think she's in hiding, because she knows someone's trying to kill her. > >Was Piper Laurie's name in the opening credits? No. See the previous postings. > >Did the mysterous Asian man looking for Josie shoot Cooper? I don't think so. Why would he? > >Is Lucy keeping the baby? I hope so. > >Is Ronette dead? (sure, next week's previews had a voice-over saying > >that she was ready to talk, but she looked deader 'n a doornail to me...) No. She's alive and kicking. > >Why did Maddie (Laura) crunch her glasses at the same time Donna turned > >into a slut-puppy? See about a million previous postings. > >Why did Donna want Laura(Maddie)'s sunglasses? As a keepsake, I assume. > >When are we supposed to see Diane? Later. > >Did Hank actually see Bobby when he shot Leo? I doubt it. It was dark, he was low, etc. > >Why didn't we see Leo at all? I wish we had. Director's prerogative. I was hoping for a quick shot of him connected to several machines that go 'ping'. > >Why doesn't someone belt Arnold in the teeth again? You mean Albert? > >Why was Arnold sent back? Albert said why. He's investigating Cooper's shooting. > >Why would Maddie(Laura!) have a vision of blood on the floor? Runs in the family (blood and ESP, that is) > >Wasn't she in the same place that Laura's mother saw her vision of the > >mystery man (who we now know killed Laura)? No. Sarah was on the couch. Maddy was on an armchair. > >-djk Bill Sherman ... then the ant got stepped on and the grasshopper drove to Florida for the winter in his sports car. - Muppet fables