Subject: Re: Premiere: Room Service and Warm Milk From: (Jym Dyer) Date: 1990-10-02, 12:32 Newsgroups: > > Classic Lynch. Find something weird, then stick with it until > > it's beyond weirdness into discomfort into unbelievability into > > a kind of sublimity. .-. |C|lassic Lynch indeed! That scene made me feel exactly the way | | I felt when I saw _Eraserhead_. I couldn't quite say that | | anything was happening, but I was on the edge of my seat the `-' whole time. .-. |A|lso, I was aware the whole time that the would-be killer might | | step back into the open door at any time. But it was just the `-' roomservice man again. And then the giant. .-. |A|nd let's not forget the ominous shadow the giant cast on Coop `-' when he appeared again! <_Jym_>