Subject: Re: my turn From: (William Sherman) Date: 1990-10-02, 12:56 Newsgroups: Reply-to: (William Sherman) In article <15901@bfmny0.BFM.COM> tneff@bfmny0.BFM.COM (Tom Neff) writes: > > > > * I know the cast has to get on with their lives between shooting > > seasons, but couldn't we have some semblance of continuity in a > > series whose action is still supposed to be taking place within days > > of the pilot? If Fenn, MacLachlan, Ontkean, Beymer, Zabriskie, > > Ashbrook, Davis, Lipton et al. can look so convincingly back in > > character, why must we endure these radical appearance changes from > > (...) Jack Nance > > (have a nice time in St Barts, Jack?)... I thought Pete's coloration was from his being in a big fire the previous night. Looks like a light burn to me. Hair length and weight gain/loss is one thing, but a change in skin coloration would *certainly* have been fixed by the make-up folks. Did James look a little heavier? Okay, here's some other stuff for you all: -> Lucy bought a new brooch! Yay. I like the old one, though. Maybe it's a gift to "Punky" from her "Sweetie". -> Bobby breaking down in 15 seconds of analysis is a little hard to swallow. It's not that easy, folks. (note: this is not a reference to the premiere. sorry.) -> "Leo locked in a hungry horse" was NOT one of the three 'predictions'. Those were the bag, the owls, and the chemicals. My guess is that the chemicals will be about Leland explaining his hair: "Look at this! It changed color, without chemicals!" (points to head) -> Leo was wearing the new boots when he torched the mill. There are two of them under the board. He hid them because they would be evidence. -> The One-Armed Man's full name is Phillip Michael Gerard. Source: "Diane...". -> Besides the A/B/AB/O ± typing system for blood, there are several other ways of distinguishing blood samples, including the MNO and Duffy types. So it's conceivable that two samples of AB- blood could be told apart. However, I still think it's a slip-up. -> Harry's been seeing Josie for about 6 weeks, and therefore hasn't been seeing her long enough to know about these shopping junkets to the coast. At least, that's what Harry told Cooper. How come we say 'Harry' and 'Cooper' rather than 'Truman' and/or 'Dale'? -> Twins and duality: I always regarded Cooper and Truman as a dual hero. The show is certainly full of dualities, especially in characterizations. Bobby/James, Donna/Audrey, Palmer/Hayward, Ben/Jerry, Hank/Leo, Laura/Laura, Laura/Maddy, Andy/Hawk, etc. etc. "Two men each, and we don't know what to do with any of 'em" - Norma to Shelly -> Coop did 'meet' Maddy briefly, at the funeral. But she had on shades. (No, not THE SHADES.) -> The Evil Shades remind me of a couple of old "Twilight Zone" episodes. Maybe it's a dig at the other new night-time quasi-soap "Evening Shade" with Burt Reynolds. That's it. Is it my imagination or are a lot of people posting to this newsgroup with redundant articles? There's a lot to talk about, with the new season, so please (whomever it may concern) try to read the previous articles and not repeat somebody else. Thanks, sorry to bitch at everybody. But over 100 articles a day! Whew! Bill Sherman ... then the ant got stepped on and the grasshopper drove to Florida for the winter in his sports car. - Muppet fables