Subject: Visions in TP From: abbott@mobius.ACA.MCC.COM (Jeff Abbott) Date: 1990-10-02, 13:52 Newsgroups: In every vision in Twin Peaks up to this point (Sarah, Cooper, Ronette) the character dubbed "Killer Bob" has been evident. But now, Maddy is having a vision of something (blood or fire, as suggested already) creeping across the carpet. I think that this, as well, relates to Killer Bob. The only information we have from the show about Killer Bob is from his brief speech and the One-Armed Man's monologue in Dale's dream. I think the OAM's poem holds a clue: "Through the darkness of future past the magician longs to see One chance ours between two worlds Fire, walk with me." These visions, to me, suggest a link between the "normal" world and the world of Killer Bob that seems to hover on the edge of town. I think Maddy sees fire creeping across the carpet, almost forming a path for her to walk upon. Perhaps the "one chance" for these two worlds to connect was Laura Palmer. Perhaps Maddy or Sarah offer another chance for a connection to be made. Is there a "magician longing" for a chance to make contact with Maddy? Is Maddy receiving an invitation to this world, in a path of fire she can walk along? Did Laura, at some point, receive a vision like this? James, remember, received a similar invitation from Laura: "Do you want to play with fire, little boy? Do you want to play with Bob?" I just hope Killer Bob has no designs on Maddy. . . Whatever the explanation, the visions are creepy. I don't know how Maddy, Cooper, and Sarah sleep at night. Comments? Jeff Abbott Disclaimer: I never even SEEN Twin Peaks!