Subject: Re: Questions and Answers ? From: spass@midas.WR.TEK.COM (Spass Stoiantcschewsky) Date: 1990-10-03, 12:01 Newsgroups: In some article writes: > >The Third Man must have physical reality for the Log to hear him move past the > >cabin on the night of the murder and for him to write "Fire walk with me" in > >his own blood. If we accept that the Giant has physical existence, then BOB > >could be both a "real" person (therefore the real killer) AND a mystical > >force that is the "presence" that HST tells Cooper the Bookhouse Boys are > >against. > >And to go even further... The mystical force could have used Laura as a "host" > >-- (in the way Redjac did in the Star Trek episode "Wolf in the Fold") -- > >choosing her because she had a tortured, fragmented psyche that it could easily > >infiltrate. Perhaps this force has now passed on to Donna. > > > >(Ok... one problem with this theory is the question "Why would BOB murder his > >host?" Oh well....) ok, i can't supress myself any longer. BOB didn't murder his host! my guess is ronnette is the killer, another person involved? josie perhaps? casting imagine BOB to be bob lydecker (does his clinic really say "the beast incarnate"?). my guess is bobby put him in the hospital--why? maybe some drug-related connection. lydecker's condition is bad...bobby may be thinking that he has almost killed someone, the intent to kill was there, so he acts as though he has succeeded. the one armed man and lydecker have an obvious connection--a previous murder. let's leave this to cooper's dream. OAM has "reformed." pulling hawk's comment about a spirit personality, lydecker's spirit is set free to roam and cause chaos, more than before. BOB "possessed" laura and tried to get her to act out his murder of ronnette (hence the "r" under laura's fingernail-- a convienient place to keep a small scrap "safe". laura however is self destructing (bob's power over her is weakening), and does not carry out the murder. instead she herself is killed by ronnette. ronnette experiences BOB possessing her as he spiritually runs into the car. remember how in the last scene of the r, BOB is holding laura's body and seems angry that she is dead? BOB "loved" laura, his emotional fury causes the complete emotional breakdown in ronnette. other clues that fit? "three have seen him -- yes -- but not his body" ronnette cooper sarah palmer "only one known to you, ready now to talk" the one armed man. remember how this guy told lucy that this was his first chance to get around to seeing cooper. ronnette (at the time the giant speaks) is still in a coma. something that doesn't quite fit: FIRE, WALK WITH ME. whose blood? josie's? is josie the "j" that laura was worried about meeting that night? i don't necessarily buy into josie being involved with BOB as BOB, but maybe as lydecker. josie's been around...and is undoutably "bad". but i can't quite pin this about the blood is that of an animal, and it is "falsing" an AB- test, maybe the blood of that cross between a rottweiler and a poodle? who wrapped up laura's body? leo? related: donna seems to be on drugs...didn't she used to do drugs with laura? BOB may be staking out new territory now that ronnette is in such sorry shape, and laura is dead. theory: the giant is real. cooper finishes off his message to diane with some mumble about "i wish the tibetians would get their country back and the dali lama (sp?) can return home" and the giant appears. seems i remember some easter religions course i had that mentioned that some sects claimed to be able to (in a sense) "teleport" themselves and objects over great distances. cooper's ring is gone. leland is just nutso. i want to see: what does bob lydecker look like? is the giant's voice on the recorder? who are the two orientals? assassins? who shot cooper? (i don't think leland did it--oriental?) i don't expect to see: ronnette may be out of a coma, but this girls going to be pretty disfunctional--i don't expect to get anything sensible out of her. off beat: albert is the killer, he has been spelling his name, and just finished his first name. now on to his last name. ~spass -- spass otto stoiantschewsky"i shot agent cooper" put this subject in your kill file