Subject: TP Anagrams and fish From: jimh@hprpcd.HP.COM (Jim Hickey) Date: 1990-10-04, 14:08 Newsgroups: Some interesting things: Maddy's full name anagrams to: FIRE SONG MEAN DUEL (with no leftover letters) hmmm. The log lady said the fish aren't running. Pete found a fish in his coffee pot. I know, it's stretching. Music (SONG) (as well as FIRE) has a lot to do with things. Lynch has said in the past that "Music is a way to transmit thoughts and energy without words." Opening theme. Music playing in Leos cabin. The dream-dwarf says "... and there's always music in the air." Just what was the Roman statue in the MIDDLE of the dream-room? Is it too obvious or do the two letters found under the girls fingernails (T and R) remind you of harry s. TRuman?