Subject: Re: comments on 9/30 premiere From: c2h5oh@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Idealistic Bibliomystic) Date: 1990-10-06, 19:52 Newsgroups: In article <> writes: > >In article <>, writes: > > Yes Leland did suffocate Jaques. Who knows why he said strangulation > >instead of suffocation? There are many reason why he might have done that. Maybe because Lucy said he was strangled when she was telling him what had happened to everyone. Just a blunder on her part I assume, may or may not be a glitch. Probably is, they seem to be getting careless. Cooper hasn't done anything so far to investigate Jaques murder, but he's got quite a lot of ground to cover. What I'm wondering is why the hell no one is gaurding Ronette? Even before Jaques was killed it seems like someone should've, but especially now. Don't give me the "small hospital" line, if Cooper had thought of it, she'd be being watched. -- | "And they all got rich without working, which | is very wrong; but the dragon had never been | to school, as you have, so he knew no better."