Subject: Re: aDiane's degree, was n From: (R o d Johnson) Date: 1990-10-08, 20:04 Newsgroups: In article <> (Barbara Hlavin) writes: [On how Hawk's girlfriend Diane's Ph.D. is:] >>> >>>Probably Sanscrit. So I sez: >> >>Um. . . why? > >Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I meant it as a joke. Well, geez, I knew *that*. I just didn't *get* the joke. > >However, let me put my Agent Cooper hair on: Sanscrit because it is > >an ancient language of India, where the Buddha was born. Uh huh. . . > >The study of it is very esoteric; for instance, Jeffrey Masson, he of > >the expose _In the Freud Archives_, has a Ph.D. in Sanscrit. Not *that* esoteric--we taught Sanskrit to undergrads in my old department at Michigan. I've even been known to utter a few words of it myself now and then. I just didn't see what the connection was to Hawk's girlfriend. But never mind, I spose. -- Rod Johnson * * (313) 650 2315 "Dogs bark at strangers" -- Heraclitus