Subject: Various odd thoughts... From: (Chris'n'Vickie of Chicago) Date: 1990-10-08, 20:17 Newsgroups: 1) Space Aliens? Supernatural Beings? Killer Bobs From Another Dimension? Talking Logs? Whatever happens, I can handle it because NOTHING Lynch could possibly come up with is as highly improbable as the fact that he has a Soap Opera airing on Prime Time Network TV! 2) Here in Chicago the opening credits were different than usual. The shot of the bird and the sawblades were cut out. Was it that way everywhere? If so, could it have been a reference to the mill burning down? No mill-no sawblades. 3) Ok, so who's Lucy been sleeping with? a) Cooper-No way, he wasn't in town. b) Harry-possible, if he's been seeing Josie for only six weeks maybe he & Lucy were having an affair before. The timing is good. I don't think so though. They are too natural together. There's no sense of tension between them at all. c) Hawk-no, he seems to go for well-educated classy women. Lucy is smarter than she sometimes appears, but just doesn't seem his type. d) There are other deputies around that we haven't really met, but I tend to think that it's going to be someone we all know. e) For some silly and illogical reason, I keep seeing Lucy and Jerry Horne together. I'm not seriously suggesting he's the one, but if he wern't such a sleezy scumbag, they'd make a cute couple. f) Until Lynch tells us who it is, the only way to get clues is to re-watch the earlier episodes and look for a place where Lucy seems uncomfortable with someone. Can anyone think of an instance? g) Possibly she was raped, but that's not very likely. She doesn't act like such a traumatic experience has happened to her recently. h) As long as we're talking about Lucy, Kimmy Robertson is making a guest appearance (she'll be singing!) on Roger McGuinn's comeback album. It's due for release in February. 4) A small city the size of Twin Peaks would have a local police department, besides a Sheriffs Office. Why haven't we seen any local cops? I grew up in a city of 35,000 and we had both. 5) Re: Cooper meeting Maddy. I just can't let this go. I think it's an insult to Cooper's intelligence and observational powers to say that he didn't notice Maddy at Laura's funeral. My God SHE WAS RIGHT THERE! Sunglasses or no, that mouth is pretty unique. Cooper had not only seen Laura up close and dead, he's seen the photos in her house and the videotape she, Donna and James made. The main reason he was at the funeral was to check out people to see who came and who didn't (he sure noticed that Jacoby wasn't there) and watch how the people there acted. He would have seen when Leland and Sarah arrived. He would have seen that there was someone with them. He would have seen that that woman bore some resemblance to Laura. Family resemblance. We don't always have to assume that, if we haven't seen it happen onscreen then it didn't happen. My theory is that Cooper was introduced to Maddy before the service began. He probably filed her under "possible link/cousin/lived in another state at time of Laura's death/not high priority to interview at this time/Amazing Resemblence!" One thing about TP--it's making time slow down. BTP (Before Twin Peaks) weeks & months used to zip by. DTP (During Twin Peaks) every week lasts at least a month, waiting for the next episide. Fine by me 'cause I'll stay young longer :-) Vickie