Subject: More Musings From: (Tom Chiang) Date: 1990-10-09, 19:58 Newsgroups: *** *** 1) just b/c leland says that he remembers bob from his childhood doesn't make bob a real person...thirty years from now maddy may remember bob from her childhood (visions)...i don't think we can conclude that a long haired freak is running around TP 2) hopefully there'll be enough new music to put out volume 2 of the TP soundtrack...already there's the guitar twang number when donna/lauren bacall visits james...and there's also james doing his huey/louie/dewey voice as he croons to D & M...i just love this muzik 3) perhaps when someone thought that the new girl at OEJ in season 1 was lucy, they were not wrong...maybe that's how lucy got pregant...and since then she quit 4) i'm curious about the previews for next week...they show the OAM in a bathroom stall (?) shot & dead (?) w/ coop's voice saying remember in my dream the OAM knew bob...why on earth would anyone shoot the OAM?...something big must go down involving him next week! 5) also, i believe there *is* a space connection...the giant did not simply use major briggs's equipment to send a message...if the giant had done that, how was it to be guaranteed that the major would deliver the message?, i believe that since briggs monitors deep space, he picked up the giants communications w/ coop...they are aliens..not neccesariliy UFO aliens...just not from earth...not humans...the log, having some kind of tie to the alien presence, picked up the "deliver the message" which the log lady told briggs 6) an off the wall idea i had was that of alien abductions...maybe bob was abducted when leland was a child...he now has the ability to time travel, et al...i don't know! 7) from what lynch & frost said, the killer is not the same as in the euroversion...the way things are going, i'd say its the same as the euroversions w/ bob as the time travelling killer and the OAM out to stop him console cowboy *** *** --------------------------end of transmission------------------------