Subject: Re: Lucy's Baby From: spass@midas.WR.TEK.COM (Spass Stoiantcschewsky) Date: 1990-10-10, 11:56 Newsgroups: In some article Jespah writes: > > (Chris'n'Vickie of Chicago) writes: > >*3) Ok, so who's Lucy been sleeping with? > >*(long, admirably complete list deleted) > > > >You forgot some possibilities: > >3) Lucy has been impregnated by a space alien, just like on "Star > >Trek: The Next Generation" when Counselor Troi was impregnated by > >a glowing ball of light. wrong, we already know this could only have been cooper. we would have seen the light. cooper is pregnant. > >5) Lucy's lab results were mixed up at the hospital -- actually, it > >is Donna/Maddy/Norma/Shelly/etc. who is pregnant. Lucy's lab results got switched with cooper's. ~spass -- spass otto stoiantschewsky"i got Lucy pregnant" put this subject in your kill file