Subject: Re: Ronette's Vision From: oz@hpkslx.mayfield.HP.COM (Kent Ostby) Date: 1990-10-10, 09:49 Newsgroups: My friend was freeze framing through and noticed Bob's hand sitting on something and sent me this note which I will quote directly: "After careful review of the videotape, I have concluded without a shadow of a doubt, that it is in fact ... his knee. You see, he is squatting next to the body like a baseball catcher, and his left hand is on his left knee. What does it all mean ? Perhaps Bob used to be a major league catcher (1906 Chicago Cubs?), and is taking out his vengence on ..., well perhaps not." So that's how my friend Erik sees it. BTW, a one hour show sure is short!!!!! Erik and I re-watched the last episode of the first season immeadiately before the second season premeire which gave us the three-hour show effect. That seemed to be just the right length for an episode of twin-peaks (at least for a couple of fanatics). So last week when the normal one hour ended, it was like "you're kidding, that's it. What about the next hour". Oh well. Oz