Subject: Stuff From: (Kathleen Hunt) Date: 1990-10-10, 00:28 Newsgroups: Some stuff... 1) Yes, that creamed corn scene terrified me, too. At first I thought it was just character development -- the old lady being a complaining, picky eater and Donna having to play along with her to placate her -- and then ZAP! The plate is squeaky clean! Pretty alarming. 2) As to what happened to the background music: Bobby turned it off! Right after a commercial break, Bobby and Shelly are in the car, and the background music is there, as usual. Bobby says something like "let's find some better music" and changes the radio station! I thought that was pretty slick. Took me a minute to realize what had happened. 3) No, the "horns" of an owl are not its ears. Its actual ears are on the side of its face, roughly where we'd expect its "cheeks" to be. They seem to be covered with feathers, but actually the feathers are perfectly designed to funnel noise to the ears -- in fact, the flat faces owls seem to have is really due to the feathers funneling sound to the ears. It's like their faces are parabolic antennas. This is esp. true of the barn owl...the "ear tufts" Great Horned Owls have are of uncertain significance; may be behavioral (used in signalling mood or in species recognition or some such thing...) 4) Seems to me TP's strength is in the process, in the development of the plot. We shouldn't expect too much of a zinger at the denouement, esp. since it seems to me Lynch often has a problem wrapping up his ideas (like for instance in _Blue_Velvet_ & _Wild_At_Heart_, which IMHO have contrived, they-lived-happily-ever-after endings, sorta the "Mo-Better-Blues syndrome") Enjoy it while it's here. Actually I was kind of sorry TP got renewed because I think it'll lose its intensity over the long haul. A miniseries format suits TP better. 5) Can someone fill me in on the European version? 6) What about Invitation to Love? For a while I was trying to find parallels with the main TP plot (Montana=Leo, Jade/Emerald=Laura/Maddy, etc.; Chet shoots Montana when Hank shoots Leo, and so on) but now we seem to have missed a day. 7) Once again *what were the owls the Log Lady mentioned?* 8) What was the log lady chewing? Was it some sort of *gum*? Life without a VCR is rough sometimes. Jespah