Subject: French Speaking Lynchkins From: (Clay Luther) Date: 1990-10-12, 11:37 Newsgroups: From!MAXREBO Thu Oct 11 18:17:24 1990 Return-Path: Received: by (/\=-/\ Smail3.1.18.1 #18.14) id ; Thu, 11 Oct 90 18:17 GMT Received: from by (4.0/25-eef) id AA20011; Thu, 11 Oct 90 12:57:21 CDT Received: from by (5.61/1.14) with SMTP id AA17474; Thu, 11 Oct 90 13:59:25 -0400 Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 12:57 CDT From: Max Rebo Subject: RE: Twin Peaks ' To: X-Vms-To: IN%"" Status: RO Please post the following to alt.twinpeaks ------------------------------------------- > Although I had 4 years of French in Jr. High and High School, and > there are many more fluent than I, I thought the KM said, > "Et une ame solitaire" describing Harold Smith next door, whom > Donna was going to visit. I watched the episode, and having just recently finished 2nd year French, distinctly heard: J'ai un homme solitaire, which means "I have a solitary man." I am wondering whether Lynch got his French wrong, since "I am a solitary man (Je suis un homme solitaire)" or "He is a solitary man (Il est un homme solitaire)" can easily be confused with "I have a solitary man. 1st person singular avoir (to have) sounds exactly like 3rd person singular etre (to be). If Lynch got his verbs confused he might have used the first person pronoun (Je) with what he thought was the third person form of to be (est), but which sounds like the first person form of to have (ai). Anyway, what you describe as "ame" is most certainly "homme" (man). You might make a case for "Et un homme solitaire" (And a solitary man), especially if the line preceding fits well. I am still convinced that the boy said "J'ai un homme solitaire." -----C "I am Pippi Longstocking! maxrebo@untvax.bitnet If you say it fast, it's fuuuuunny! maxrebo@vaxb.acs.unt.eduOh Pippi, Pippi Longstocking! How I love my funny name!!!" [Many thanks to The Queen Of Swords] -- Clay Luther, Postmaster Harris Adacom Corporation MS 23, PO Box 809022, Dallas, Tx 75380-9022 214/386-2356 Your mileage may vary. Void where prohibited.