Subject: Re: BOBBY IN CAHOOTS WITH SQUIGGY From: (Ron Carter) Date: 1990-11-02, 22:56 Newsgroups: du> Sender: Reply-To: rcarter@isis.UUCP (Ron Carter) Followup-To: Distribution: usa Organization: Center For The Study Of Creative Intelligence Keywords: Bobby, Hank, Leo, Nadine, and a cast of millions... Well, in the same scene after the lift almost kills Bobby, we see Bobby ask Shelley to go get something for him ( something to drink? whatever ) and then we hear Bobby confront "Squiggy" ( in whispers, acting as if to keep it secret from Shelley ) and "Squiggy" responds with something like "Hey, I wanted some money to be left to split with -you- ( ie Bobby ) after buying this contraption..." Also the Squigster is talking 'bout the "Plywood... umm... pinewood..." that he has for the ramp, again acting like all this was more expensive ( at Bobby's prompting ) than it really was, all for the benefit of Shelley... Looks like Bobby ( not a dumb kid ) is playing all the angles ( more angles than a geodesic dome... ) that he can. -- Ron | | "Emory, say something weak and fawning..." Director | Center For The Study Of Creative Intelligence | Denver, CO