Subject: Re: biblical references to the one-armed man From: (Robert Steven Glickstein) Date: 1990-11-03, 08:02 Newsgroups: Excerpts from 1-Nov-90 Re: biblical references to .. Number 6@hpcuhd.HP.COM (861) > > Well, I ain't got the tape anymore, but I thought he said that the tatoo > > read something like "Fire, Walk with me..." What he says, exactly, is: Through the darkness of future pasts The magician longs to see One chants out between two worlds [not everyone agrees that this is the correct wording of this line --bg] "Fire, walk with me." We lived among the people. I think you say, "convenience store." I mean it like it is, like it sounds. I too have been touched by the devilish one. Tattoo on the left shoulder. Oh, but when I saw the face of God, I was changed! I took the entire arm off. My name is Mike. His name is Bob. ______________ _____________________________ Bob Glickstein | Internet: Information Technology Center | Bitnet: bobg%andrew@cmuccvma.bitnet Carnegie Mellon University | UUCP: ...!harvard!!bobg Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 | (412) 268-6743 | Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever