Subject: TP: Please let's not talk about schizophrenia...! From: (Bernie Roehl) Date: 1990-11-04, 09:27 Newsgroups:, By now, most everyone on the net has heard many, many times in many, many different newsgroups that schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder are *not* the same thing. Please, *PLEASE* let's not discuss it again here! I really don't care if Gordon Cole doesn't know the difference, or David Lynch doesn't know the difference, or this week's writer doesn't know the difference, or if Gordon Cole was simply listing two possible, unrelated medical conditions for which the drug might be a treatment... *it doesn't matter*! Let's nip this discussion in the bud, and be thankful Cole didn't speak French or recite nursery rhymes... -- Bernie Roehl, University of Waterloo Electrical Engineering Dept Mail: OR BangPath: {allegra,decvax,utzoo,clyde}!watmath!watserv1!broehl Voice: (519) 885-1211 x 2607 [work]