Subject: Whew! 11/3/90 episode cmts From: lwv27@CAS.BITNET Date: 1990-11-04, 19:36 Newsgroups: 1. I had more problems hearing this episode than just about any episode to date. 2. Well, I have watched this episode twice so far and still like it the best since the 2 hr 2nd season premier. 3. Lots of strange things in this one - makes one wonder what is real and what is just mistakes. 4. Is Lynch really that hard of hearing? Or was this some sort of plot device? Spoiler Alert - upcoming spoilers! 5. I loved seeing Ben and Josie spar over the money - especialy the stale mate! 6. Also, got a real charge out of Ben and the mysterious Mr. T (maybe the A Team is connected to all of this :-0?) discussion and then Leland breaking into "Getting to Know you". Even better was after the Ben and Leland duet, seeing the camera cut to Mr. T and Pete. And I was all set to believe that Mr T was not Catherine... 7. I wonder what is going to happen to Bobby and Shelly if Leo remembers the welcome home party? And what is this stuff with the $5000 a month check turning into a $700 a month check? I know that it was explained away, but I didnt get it - are Bobby and Shelly getting ripped off? 8. No appearances by the Judge - sigh. 9. Harold's last scene screaming at the orchids had the same sort of echo as did Phillip's last scene before Mike arrived I thought - maybe it was the sound problems we are having though. 10. Mike said that Bob was his familar. Then a moment or two later starts quoting 'the poem' about the magician looking for the one chance out from between two worlds, seeing God, etc. And coop was quoting along with him. 11. Mike also went on to say something about Bob and Mike both being parasites. Sort of emotional vampires almost? And he says that Bob has 'been around Twin Peaks' for about 40 years . 12. When he was asked where Bob was, he stopped a moment and almost looked like he was mentally searching, then described what Coop identified was the Great Northern. So does the person live there or what? If so, it must be Ben Horne - Jerry is in Japan, Johnnie is too young, the only other person it might be is Leland. who is visiting there at the moment. Of course, Pete is there as well! 13. As a trival question -who was the guy behind the desk at the police station - looked in uniform, so must not have been the temp secretary Lucy was expecting. 14. What is this stuff about a Mexican dog that Coop's boss is taking about - and what did they mean by Coop being 'out of the shoot' in Philly? -- Larry W. Virden Business: UUCP: osu-cis!chemabs!lwv27 INET: lwv27%cas.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu Personal: 674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg,OH 43068-1614 Proline: America Online: lvirden CIS: [75046,606]